The Graveyard of “Later” By Dr. John Mukoro, mni

Dr. John Mukoro mni


By Dr. John Mukoro, mni


Stop postponing your dreams. Stop telling yourself, “I’ll do it tomorrow” or “I’ll figure it out later.” The truth is, “later” has a way of stealing what matters most. The fire that once ignited your passion dims, and the inspiration that once drove you disappears.


Dreams fade, relationships suffer, and opportunities slip away because nothing and no one waits for “later.” The coffee grows cold, the people who cared drift away, and your unfulfilled ideas die a slow, silent death. “Later” becomes the resting place for everything you once loved but didn’t have the courage to pursue.


Choose action over delay. Start today, even if you feel unprepared or unsure. The path will unfold as you learn, stumble, and grow. What matters is that you begin, embracing the beauty of the journey rather than waiting for the perfect time.


Pour your heart into your dreams, and nurture the people who matter to you. Don’t keep your aspirations on hold, waiting for a moment of certainty. Nothing great is achieved by hesitation. The life you envision becomes yours the moment you choose to chase it.

Also Read:  John Mukoro And A Culture Of Giving


“Later” is a thief of joy, a silent destroyer of dreams, and a graveyard of regret. By waiting, you surrender the chance to create, connect, and achieve. Instead, act boldly. Claim what is yours and embrace the gift of now, for time waits for no one. The power to shape your destiny is in your hands—don’t let “later” rob you of what could be your greatest triumphs.



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