Publisher Of Advocate Newspaper, Shedrack Onitsha, Loses 94-Year-Old Mother

By Mojaye Douglas

Madam Agness Oyekokama , mother of the publisher and Editor-In-Chief, Advocate Newspaper, Mr. Ogaga Shedrack Onitsha, is dead.

Born Saturday May 13, 1927, Madam Oyekokama passed on at the age of 94 years old.

She died on Thursday October 14, 2021 at her residence in Abbi Town of Ndokwa West Local Government Area of Delta State.

Mama Oyekokama was briefly sick before her passage in the presence of her children.

Until her death, she was a successful trader, committed Church leader and Community leader, a philanthropists, who believes that giving to others is the best way to show God’s love.

She survived by six children including Shedrack Onitsha, a renowned media consultant and publisher of Advocate Nigeria Newspaper.

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