OPINION: The Real Message FG is Sending By Keeping Pantami

President Buhari and Isa Pantami

By Ena Ofugara

The smartest person in history is Pontius Pilate. While having the power to release Jesus, knowing he was an innocent man, he let the will of the people … democracy take the lead. And even then, he WASHED HIS HANDS off the crucifixion of Jesus, while actually being the one who sentensed him to death. Today, no one blames Pontius Pilate, when he could easily have told Jesus to go home or even just jailed him. “What shall I do with him” Pontius Pilate asked the crowd. “Crucify him, crucify him” was the reply from the crowd.

Pantami  is not BELIEVED to be a terrorist. NO. He is not SUSPECTED to be a Jihadist. NO. He is not considered to be one asking people to go and kill people in Jos and be ready to give their life for Allah, considering such GENOCIDE as service to Allah. NO. PANTAMI IS ALL THESE THINGS AND MORE. The recordings where he wept, calling on the NIGETIAN-BASED FULANI HERDSMEN and MUSLIMS known on the terrorism index as THE MOST MURDEROUS GROUP in the world… crying and calling them to go and KILL MIDDLE BELT CHRISTIANS.

It is his voice and Buhari knows this better than you

Buhari knew it BEFORE you.

The SSS knew it before you.

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Until America revealed it, many said it, but the power of Tinubu and his press as well as the muzzling of our press by this administration, had everyone hiding the fact that Pantami has had a trail

of dead bodies since his college days as his academic brilliance and Jihadist fervor made him an instant leader amongst his people.

Langtang has known deaths in thousands. Plateau state is known as the place where children and pregnant women are murdered in their sleep. Mass graves are as common as cold mornings in Jos. Before one of such midnight raids and genocide was the voice of a goodlooking, academically-gifted, straight-from hell AZAZEL in the person of Pantami, as he cried and asked people to go and …

In any other society and government, even if the president wrote the speech that Pantami gave that day that was caught on tape, the president would call him and ask him to RESIGN. This way, the president washes himself from the stench and morbid stickiness of Plateau blood that courses down Pantami skin and clothes, unseen by the naked human eye. The president and the executive arm would immediately do a PONTIUS PILATE and bathe this time, not just wash their hands. 

For simple homophobia, racism, gender bias etc in their history, people resign. Biden has pulled the name of a close ally upon minor meaningless revelations. Staining the administration is not worth it.

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But the think-tank and eggheads of the Buhari administration think it is best to bearhug Pantami and stand by him like a dutiful wife holding the hands of her husband who is accused of raping her own children.


“But who cares? Elections is not by voting and what the people think or vote for. Screw them all.” You can almost hear Buhari’s advisors talking amongst themselves. 

The Enalysis by critics like me that has tied Buhari to Islamic extremism is made manifest and validated. Even Eedris abdulkareem, a Muslim, used it in his song against Keyamo and this administration.

Gandollar of Kano has forever shown that Buhari has nothing against corruption and shamed his anti-corruption nonexistent crusade.

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Now Pantami is forever solidifying his support for Islamic extremism.

More worrying is the fact that the mouthpiece of Buhari and others close to him said “Nigeria will regret if Pantami leaves this government”.

That is most telling.

When in 2015, APC politicians led by Amaechi and Buhari walked the most dangerous areas of the North before election, I wondered what it was meant to prove: That Boko Haram loves Buhari? Or what?

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And now, knowing the amount of moneys that has exchange hands between the government and Bandits and kidnapped people set free, the government must have a person TRUSTED by Boko Haram and Fulani herdsmen and other mass murderers in that Muslim North. Pantami and his portfolio clearly makes this his duty. The one who cried that Jos be razed and people killed is the go-between for Fed Govt and Boko Haram and Bandits and Fulani herdsmen. Pheww

So if he leaves government, “NIGERIA WILL REGRET.”

Even if Buhari is this man’s religious father, any SANE administration will be seen Pontius Pilating from this evil malodrous, fellow called apantami, whose very existence is miasmic, and continued stay evidence of the putrefaction of Buhari’s fabled integrity.

So the message Buhari is sending by standing with Pantami is that Buhari is not for NO ONE or everyone. If he is for the populace, Pantami would have been made to resign.


The man who chaired the committee that no church be ever built in the North, is appointed by Buhari and is kept in position of power.

Ena Ofugara, a social critic and lawyer, wrote from the U.S.


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