NDT Relationship Corner: Purpose Discovery Before Spouse Discovery (Part 1)

Ann Demi Amioku

by Eyonju Amioku (Lady Dazzle)

Have you sometimes asked yourself these questions “What am I here on Earth for? Who am I? What is my purpose in life?”Well I have and discovering the answers to these questions have been an interesting and fulfilling process and journey. To discover yourself is to find your true identify and purpose in life. And it is important to discover your purpose in life before you go about discovering a spouse or life partner.

Before we delve deeply into the matter let’s first of all explore what purpose means to better understand the gist because purpose can be defined in several ways.
☑️ Purpose can defined as the original intention in the mind of the manufacturer which motivates him to make a particular product. For example a teacup is made for drinking tea and whenever we hold a cup of hot or cold tea, that teacup is fulfilling it’s purpose.

☑️ Purpose can also be defined as the reason why something is done or for which something exists. For example we go to school to school to learn and get knowledge.

☑️ It can also refer to what you want to become, to do or to achieve in life as an individual. I can remember growing up we are often asked “What do you want to become when you grow up?” Thus purpose is a becoming process, it does not happen overnight.

From the following definitions of purpose it is evident that discovering yours is important to living a fulfilled life as a person long before you discover your spouse. Now of what essence is purpose discovery to you? In case you are pondering on this question, here are a few pointers to the importance of discovering purpose.

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☑️ Focus : Purpose discovery helps to give you a clear vision of where you are going and focuses your life and attention on it. Without purpose you will keep changing directions, jobs, relationships and even decisions. Little wonder many people are going no where in life because they do not even know where they are going to in the first place, talk less of focusing on how to get there. They keep changing relationships because they do not know why they got into it in the first place. And trust me no one wants to get into a relationship with someone that is going no where in particular.

☑️ It Simplifies your life : Purpose discovery is a sure way of simplifying your life. It makes it easier and simple to become what you were created to be without wasting time trying different options. Knowing your purpose provides a solid foundation on which you base your  decisions in life. For example if you want to become a doctor, it becomes easy to decide to be in Science classes from Senior Secondary School instead of Arts or Social Sciences. Thus, this makes it easier for you to pursue this courses better, allocate your time to better achieve this purpose as well as utilize your resources in achieving this clear purpose.

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☑️ It motivates You: Purpose discovery has the ability to motivate you because it gives you a sense of fulfillment and joy in life. It’s the reason you wake up every morning knowing you have something to do, where to go and a goal to achieve in life. Sadly  many people go about life without purpose and keep wondering why it seems life has no significance or hope for them. Thus they erroneously believe that when they get into relationships, fall in love and get married, they would be fulfilled, happy and significant. The truth is that discovering yourself and living in that purpose comes from within and motivates other areas of your life.

☑️ It builds your Self Confidence and Worth: One sure way for a man or woman to build their confidence and self worth is through purpose discovery. When you have been able to successfully define who you are and what you want to do in life, it takes your self worth to another level. No one can boss you around or intimidate you for no reason because you are purpose driven. 

☑️ It creates a Value System: There’s the popular saying that “a man who stands for nothing will fall for anything” Many young people do not have any Value System of their own so they follow the crowd or dictates of the trends be it good or bad. Without purpose you tend to live life carelessly and become easily swayed by every wind of doctrine. However purpose guides the value of a man and directs his ways in a just and upright path. For example a young lady will not yield nor succumb to sexual pressure if  she has purposed in her heart not to defile herself before marriage. Hence this becomes a foundation to build future relationships and reinforces her moral and spiritual values.  

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☑️ It improves our mental and physical well being: Do you know that purpose discovery is   instrumental in building the mental and physical health of an individual? Yes it does help you to live a healthy and happy life free of constant mental stress that can lead to a break down physically. A purpose driven life as compared to a person who has no purpose is filled with positivity, productivity and activity to name a few that keeps the body and mind in a good state. 

From the aforementioned, it’s important to discover yourself first before you bother about discovering your spouse so you can come into that relationship or marriage complete and ready to help your partner fulfil life’s purpose together.  In Part 2 of this write up we will explore more on how to discover your purpose. Thanks for reading.

Written by Eyonju Amioku (Lady Dazzle) of Radio Delta MelodyFM88.6Also the Organizer of *The Wedding Fair* in Delta State.
Relationship and Wedding.  Consultant.
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