NDT Relationship Corner: Make It Plain!  By Eyonju Demi Amioku

Ann Demi Amioku


By Eyonju Demi Amioku

There is a common saying that “The shortest pencil is greater than the biggest memory”

The reason is because whenever we write something down we can always go back to refer to it, we can see it plainly on paper and it is not easily forgotten. However, even the most intelligent person can forget an idea, thought or action he or she intended to take if it is not noted down or done immediately.

How many times have we started the New Year and have made countless resolutions on what we are going to do or not do, goals, dreams and visions that we have planned to achieve in the course of the year but they were never realized? In fact before the month of January is over, we have completely forgotten them or become overwhelmed with the year’s hustle or bustle. The reason this happens so often is because we have failed to make them plain on papers.

The power of writing our vision down plainly on paper cannot be overemphasized. God commanded in Habakkuk 2:2 “And the Lord answered me, and said, write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it”. The great Creator understood the importance of writing down our dreams and visions for our family, work, career, education, business. Marriage and relationship.

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Here are some advantages of making it plain on Papers:

  • TRANSFORMS THOUGHTS TO REALITY: When we write down our dreams, goals and visions it leaves the realm of the spirit to the physical. It transforms it from just a thought in our heads to reality, we can see it, touch it on paper and it helps us to run with it. Writing it plain on paper gives life to it and makes it real to us. What do you to do this year? What do you want to achieve in that thing that is dear to your heart? Write them down today. Give it a realistic time frame, it could be within a month, half a year, a year or years to come.
  • DRIVES YOUR PURPOSE: Do you sometimes wonder why successful organizations usually have a Vision and Mission Statement? It lets everyone know what the purpose of the organization is all about and gives them a sense of purpose. It drives their purpose and every action the leadership and workers take is aimed at achieving that Vision. Remember that without the purpose of a thing made known, abuse is inevitable.
  • GIVES DIRECTION: Imagine yourself on a journey to a far place and you don’t know where you are going, and there are no sign post or bill boards to give your direction. One thing I look out for in such situations are these signpost that would point me in the right direction. Without such directions I could go round in circles or possibly get lost. Many people are confused and going round in circles, some are moving in the wrong direction, relationship, marriage and business because they have failed to make their destination plain on paper. Ask yourself honestly, where are you going this year? Write it down today.
  • DRIVES YOUR ACTIONS: No successful movie has ever been acted without a Script. A producer can gather the best crew and actors on set, but without a script plainly written for them to act, there would be no movie. Until we realize that our life is a script that we need to act upon, we cannot succeed in living a fulfilled life. Little wonder they say life is like a Plain sheet of paper, whatever you write on it is up to you. Interestingly you can erase the chapters of your life that you don’t like and rewrite the script with the grace of God. Whatever you want to accomplish this New Year, the earlier you write them down and make it plain for you to see and act upon the better for you.
  • A SOURCE OF REMINDER: Oftentimes life happens and we forget what we have written down or said we will do. However when you have written them down, it calls them to remembrance. It becomes a source of remembrance that we can refer back to and begin to run with again. Imagine if the accounts of Jesus in the bible was not captured and written down, who would know of His existence? That is why History is written down and passed from generation to generation because the human brain cannot be trusted to remember every single detail verbatim.
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Written by Eyonju Demi Amioku of Radio Delta MelodyFM88.6

Also the Organizer of the Wedding And Events Fair Exhibition in Delta State.

Relationship and Wedding Consultant.

Call 08060585636

Follow me on Instagram @theweddingbliss88.6fm and @weddingandeventsfair

 Facebook at Ann Demi Amioku.


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