NDT Relationship Corner: LET ME IN! LET ME OUT!

Ann Demi Amioku

by Eyonju Amioku (Lady Dazzle)

For lovers of cartoons like me, they will be familiar with the scene from the popular Walt Disney Cartoon “The Lion King” where Timon was running into the cage for safety from the hyenas and on the other hand the bird Zazu was eager to come out of his captivity from Scar.
So while Timon was chased and screaming Let me out! Let me out!
That is the Irony of life! While many people are eager and seeking every means to enter into relationships and marriages, many who are into them are searching for ways to get out of them. This two contrasting scenarios ought to be pondered upon and analysed by both the singles and married to learn some lessons from.
Let’s examine some factors that are responsible for the rush by young people and singles earnestly requesting Let me in! Let me in!

_Pressure: There is so much pressure from peer groups, friends and family especially parents as well as society at large on young people and singles to get into relationships and marriages. It is sad that today most boys and girls are pressured into having boyfriends and girlfriends at an early age without understanding the implications or dynamics of what a true relationship shouldn’t be. Thus exposing them to heartbreaks, sex, teenage pregnancies, abortion’s, and even deaths.
Similarly matured youths who are of age to get married are equally pressured with questions like “When are you getting married?” “Why are you still single?” “Can you not see your mates are getting married?” “What are you waiting for?” “Don’t you know you are getting old?”

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These questions have pushed so many singles to rush into toxic relationships and sometimes make bad choices in choosing their life partners.

On the other side of the coin, those who are married are facing a different type of pressure that makes them wanna get out of it all. Some of this pressure ranges from family problems, infertility issues, to infidelity, money palaver, physical and emotional abuse to name a few. Hence they are seeking a way out screaming Let me out! Let me out!

Age Factor: The idea that age is not on your side and that you are not getting any younger forces a lot of singles into relationships they end up rushing out of.
In this modern age it seems like you are doomed if you have not met someone who is ready to settle down before you are 30years old. Therefore many singles are on the quest to get into any relationship. After all anyone is better than having no one right? Also when it comes to the reproductive nature of women, most Ladies desire to get married early enough so they can have children before menopause comes calling.
Fear: Oftentimes the fear of being alone forever can be very depressing and is a major factor that places a demand on singles to rush into relationships and marriages. When it seems like everyone is getting married apart from you, the fear of being alone and left behind creeps in. Hence there is a tendency to go in search of someone to just let you into a relationship or marriage.
Comfort and Convenience: There is absolutely no one who does not desire comfort or convenience in life and erroneously believe that marriage is a bed of roses where all your needs will be met.

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Many young people go in search of a partner who would give them a comfortable life, who will meet their financial, emotional, physical and even sexual needs.

Little wonder there is a desperate yearning in their hearts calling out Let me in! Let me in!. I want to be loved, provided for, looked after, cooked for and taking care of by all means.
However before you jump into that relationship or marriage for the comfort, remember that all that glitters is not gold.

Written by Eyonju Amioku (Lady Dazzle) of Radio Delta MelodyFM88.6
Also the Organizer of The Wedding Fair in Delta State.

Relationship and Wedding. Consultant.



Ann Demi Amioku

Have a great day


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