NDT Health Corner With Dr. T.M Edah: How Your Immune System Protects You

By Dr. T. M Edah

Most people have a fair idea of what their immune system does. The immune system provides a level of immunity against diseases and illnesses that could affect your body.

You need to go beyond just being aware of what your immune system does to how it really does it. The majority of people have no clear understanding of exactly how their immune system protects them from infections.

Why is it necessary for you to know this? This will make you aware of how your body responds to a disease as well as what your immune system requires to continue to protect you. Following are several ways your immune system responds to protect you in the presence of disease.

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The Response to Disease by Fever

One way through which your immune system can protect you is through a fever. Having a fever is not an entirely bad thing. It can be helpful because the higher temperature oosts the function of your body’s cells. This stimulates the activity of cells that fight disease with a faster response to invading germs.

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The increase in body temperature also makes it more difficult for bacteria and viruses to survive in your body. It’s important to keep track of your temperature as a very high temperature may be dangerous for you. Avail yourself of medical help if fever persists or becomes high.

The White Blood Cells Response

When foreign bodies are detected by your immune system, it responds with the use of white blood cells. Your white blood cells work as army. They mobilize, search for, attack and eliminate any harmful micro organisms that they discover.

Some of your white blood cells become attached to harmful organisms so as to make them weaker. Others will attack the harmful organisms directly to try and kill them. Do you know the best part? The white blood cells learn about the organisms they got rid of so that you develop immunity to them in the future.

Inflammation is part of your Immune System

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Certain areas of your body become inflamed and uncomfortable when you get sick. Inflammation may not be a great experience. It could be a sign that you have an infection because it is a vital part of the response of your immune system to viruses, bacteria, or other pathogens.

Once they get into your system, harmful microorganisms travel and spread all over your body through your blood stream, causing damage to cells and tissues. Your immune system can make certain areas of your body inflamed. This way, it causes swelling and constricts the blood vessels in damaged areas and makes it more difficult for the bacteria or toxins to continue to spread further in your body.

When your white blood cells notice this inflammation, they respond immediately to try and eliminate the bad bacteria through the phagocytes. The white blood cells called phagocytes “eat” up germs and dead or damaged cells.

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You may be thinking that a lot of the ways your body reacts to disease are uncomfortable, exasperating, and unpleasant. This, however, is all part of your immune system working to protect you and make you feel better as fast as it can.

It is vital, therefore that you do everything possible to take care of and boost your immune system so that it will continue to protect you for life.

Dr. T. M Edah



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