NDT Health Corner With Dr. T. M. Edah: How To Relieve Your Stress In 7 Easy Ways

By Dr. T. M. Edah

Stress is a normal response in many situations. It lets you react and adjust to a change in your environment. Your responses can be physical, mental, or emotional.

But, from time to time, you can get too much stress. When should you show concern about stress? Does stress interfere with your job, your family or social life?
Has it begun to affect your lifestyle? That means it has started to get out of hand.

Excessive stress can cause or contribute to the following problems:

  • Headaches
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Abdominal upset
  • Colds and the Flu
  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Poor quality sleep
  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Damage to Relationships
  • Depression
  • And many more…

Your aim is to overcome the stress in your life. What can you do to achieve this? The natural way is most likely the best approach.

You can begin with the following ideas.

Find Out the Causes of Your Stress. You may not even be aware of what brings about your stress. You can experience stress from:

  • Too much work
  • The loss of your job
  • Break up or divorce
  • Relationship problems
  • Loss of a family member
  • Family problems
  • Difficulties at school…
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If possible, try to understand the source of your stress. With understanding, you can make the effort to amend such problem areas.

What if you still can’t understand the reasons for your stress? Is there a way you can reduce them significantly?

Maybe, you should view your stressors from a different perspective. What lessons are they teaching you? What helpful insights can you get from the experience?


Starting an exercise program may be hard. However, it becomes easier after you begin. Exercise helps to let off steam. It gets rid of excess stress. You benefit two times when you exercise. You reduce your tension…And get a workout also.

Always consult with your physician before you begin an exercise program.

Maintain a Positive Attitude

Do your best to see the bright side of things. Don’t dwell on things that can go wrong. Take action to improve your life and circumstances. Take steps to achieve your ambitions.

Look for ways to improve your everyday activities.

At the end of each day, be thankful that you did your best to keep a healthy viewpoint on life.
Then, relax. Enjoy the rest of the evening alone or with family and friends.

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Get Enough Rest and Sleep

Have enough, quality sleep at night. This is necessary to keep stress away. Relax as best you can every evening. Do your exercises early. This way, you are not too energized before going to bed.

Do you like to watch night movies? A comedy or something refreshing is recommended. Avoid violent movies just before going to sleep. You can read an inspirational, comforting book. Or listen to soft, soothing, peaceful music.


You need a healthy, nutritious diet. This will help to balance your physical, mental and emotional health. Frozen, prepackaged dinners are not good choices.
Neither are fast foods or snacks.

You need to eat as much unprocessed, organic food as possible. And so eliminate pesticides from your diet. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. Drink plenty of clean water. You think and function better when you are well-hydrated.


True, it’s difficult to relax when you are stressed up.
This simple exercise can restore your balance quickly.

Inhale slowly, deeply.

Breathe out slowly.
See all the stress draining out as you exhale.

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Learn and practice relaxation techniques regularly.
Even when you aren’t stressed out.
This can become beneficial when a need arises.

You can choose from several relaxation techniques:

  • Listen to calming, soothing music
  • Yoga
  • Ask for help
  • Prayer
  • Meditation
  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)
  • Bio-Feedback
  • Z-Point Exercise
  • Join a Support Network

Practice Gratitude

Being thankful for the smallest pleasures can reduce anxiety and boost your mood.

Use a daily gratitude journal.
Each day, list what you’re grateful for.

Gratitude gives your mind a more positive orientation.
It puts things in proper perspective.
Being grateful gives you a sense of balance.
Gratitude helps you avoid despair and hopelessness.
Thankfulness makes you feel better and less stressed.


Is your stress quite severe?
And you can get no relief regardless of what you do?
Then, its time for you to seek professional help.

These 7 recommendations help you reduce stress.
You will enjoy life more.  

Don’t wait.
Implement these ideas right now.

And continue to search for other ways to manage your stress…
So that you can really enjoy life again.


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