NDT Relationship Corner: What Are You Writing With? By Eyonju Demi Amioku

Ann Demi Amioku

By Eyonju Demi Amioku

In our last write up we talked about “Make it plain” which referred to writing down our dreams, goals and visions. Today I would like us to examine what we are writing with and what we are writing on. Whatever you are writing with determines your level of maturity, growth and development in life.


When we were children we thought and wrote like a child. We often used pencils because we were prone to mistakes. We were still in the learning stage of life and needed to know what to do and how to do it. It is important that we go through the process and learn the basic A B C’s and 1 2 3’s of life to help us write our God given purpose in life. Many people did not build their foundation properly and today they can’t write even their names. Don’t be in a hurry to hasten your learning process, be willing to learn from the teachers and coaches that life gives to you. At this stage be willing to let them hold your hands and teach you how to write. Ask questions when you are not sure of what to do. The good thing about writing with pencil is the fact that you can erase or clean off what you have written when you make a mistake.

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Do you want to start a new business? Are you considering starting a new relationship? Have you been newly employed into an organization? This can be referred to as the childhood stage in your life where you need to learn the basics. Be humble enough to learn from those who are experienced in that new venture you are about to undertake. As you go about pursing your goals, dreams and Visions this year, be honest with yourself on those areas you know you are not good at and seek to improve on them. Write with pencil carefully, take actions cautiously and be ready to make and erase mistakes along the way.

On the other hand, as we grow into maturity and adulthood we are allowed to use ink or biro to write. At this stage of our lives we are expected to have learnt the ropes and not make mistakes, hence we are trusted with more responsibility. Now we can boldly and confidently write it plainly on papers and not make manymistakes. We understand when to use the comas, full stop and otherpunctuation marks to give clarity to what we are doing and where we are going. Our writing becomes clearer, more precise, understandable and readable. We have grown to the level of knowing what to do and how to do it because we once subjected ourselves to the learning process.

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Another angle I would like to reflect on is the quality of what you are writing on. Are you writing your goals, dreams and visions on a simple sheet of paper or on the tablets of your heart? It’s easier to write on a sheet of paper and paste it visibly where you can see them every morning when you wake up and this is very good and practical. Remember that paper can be torn, burnt or misplaced. However, it is more important to write them and have them fixed on the tablets of your heart. The bible says in the book of Proverbs 23:7 “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. Eat and drink saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee”.  Many people have written down New Year resolutions, started new businesses and relationships but failed woefully because their hearts and minds where not in it. It’s not enough to just write the Vision, what are you writing it on? where are you writing it? Whatever is important to you is kept close to your heart, you protect and cherish it. In Luke 2:51, Mary the mother of Jesus kept important information in her heart. You can write down I want to be a millionaire and earn multiple streams of income, but if your mind cannot process this possibility and your heart does not desire it enough to work hard at it, it would not become a reality.

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Hence, I encourage us that as we go about writing our Vision this year be sure to identify if you are using pencil or ink to write and writing on paper or your heart.


Written by EyonjuDemi Amioku of Radio Delta MelodyFM88.6

Also the Organizer of the WeddingAnd Events Fair Exhibition in Delta State.

Relationship and Wedding Consultant.

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