NDT Health Corner With Dr. T. M. Edah: Do You Know Your Blood Sugar Levels?

Dr. T. M Edah

Do you understand the difference between hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia?

“Hyper” means high. “Hypo” means low.

The blood sugar level is lower than normal in hypoglycemia.
In hyperglycemia, the blood sugar level is higher than the acceptable range.

Your blood sugar levels can vary depending on your

  • activities
  • state of health
  • thoughts
  • feelings and
  • environment.

When you are healthy, your body releases certain hormones as your blood sugar levels change. This helps with proper use of sugar by your body. It allows you maintain a healthy blood glucose balance.

You may not be able to produce and release the correct hormones. Or, you may not be able respond well to them. These factors can reduce or increase your blood sugar levels.

What Causes Hyperglycemia?

Hyperglycemia means that your body does not produce enough insulin.
It may also imply your body is resistant to insulin.

You can get high blood sugar from stress, lack of exercise, and a sedentary lifestyle.
Your blood sugar can be raised, too, if you have Type 1 diabetes and skip your diabetes medications.

Your blood glucose levels can also increase if you are ill or have an infection.

What is the most common cause of high blood sugar levels?
It’s when you eat more carbohydrate-rich foods than your body can handle.
Do this long enough and you can develop pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes.

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When this happens, your body finds it more difficult to control blood sugar.
This comes with huge adverse health consequences for you.

Sometimes, you can experience hyperglycemia as a side effect of present medications.
It is important, therefore, to consult your doctor first before you take any other drugs.
This is to avoid making your condition worse.

Your blood glucose may have exceeded safe levels if you:

  • feel abnormally tired,
  • are excessively thirsty,
  • feel sick to your stomach,
  • urinate more often,
  • have headaches,
  • have blurred vision.

When this happens, consult your health care provider at once and describe the symptoms.
Simple tests can be done on you. Necessary changes can be made to your meal plans and exercise regime.

If necessary, you will start on diabetes medications.

Why is It Important to Treat Hyperglycemia?

Persistent high blood glucose levels usually cause complications that can affect your heart, eyes, kidneys, and nerves.

Severe hyperglycemia can lead to loss of consciousness, requiring emergency medical care.


If your blood glucose falls below 70 mg/dl, you have hypoglycemia.
That means your blood glucose levels are too low.

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Severe hypoglycemia can cause you serious immediate and long-term health problems.

If your blood sugar levels drop too quickly, get immediate medical attention to prevent convulsions and loss of consciousness.

What Causes Hypoglycemia?

Your blood sugar levels may drop lower than normal if you:

  • skip or delay meals,
  • do not eat enough carbohydrate-rich foods,
  • take part in prolonged physical exertion or exercises
  • drink alcohol excessively,
  • take certain medications for other health challenges.

A hypoglycemic attack usually results from a combination of circumstances.
It is often not due to a single factor.

Are you a Type 1 diabetic?
You risk hypoglycemia if your insulin dosage is more than your immediate needs.

Unplanned fasting and physical exertion after your medications can cause low blood sugar levels.
This is because such actions deplete your available blood glucose stores.

You may have low blood glucose levels if you experience the following:

  • anxiety, irritability, and tiredness
  • numbness around the mouth
  • slurred speech
  • trembling
  • weakness
  • extreme hunger
  • profuse sweating
  • headaches.

If you experience any combination of these symptoms, act fast to increase blood sugar in your body. While you do this, someone should monitor your response. Seek immediate medical attention if your condition gets worse. Do you have recurrent episodes of hypoglycemia? 
It is advisable to have your health care professional do an appropriate assessment.

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Keeping Your Blood Glucose Levels Balanced

Do you have any reason for concern? Then, one healthy lifestyle choice is to monitor your blood glucose levels regularly. Inexpensive blood glucose test kits are available at pharmacies or online.

Regular exercise helps improve your body’s ability to respond to insulin.

Healthy meals at appropriate and regular intervals will greatly assist you to maintain a good blood sugar balance. Let your doctor know of any medications you take that affect your blood glucose levels.

Your body is designed to regulate your blood sugar levels. Your activities will either assist or block this goal. For type 1 diabetics, medication, generally insulin, is essential.

For others, medications can assist. Your diet and lifestyle are major factors. Be proactive in your desire to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. You will have a good chance to manage your blood glucose levels without the need of medications.

*Dr. TM Edah, is a medical doctor of over 30years and a health columnist with Niger Delta Today Online. He can be reached on: 08082057370


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